J: MACHINE HEAD Frontman Vows To 'Crush' LIMP BIZKIT At U.K.'s SONISPHERE Festival - LOL, BAAAAAAAW!!! fuck rob, and fuck his shitty band!
M: wow, i think he should have just shut up about it. they're kind different kinds of music now, he shouldn't have mentioned it at all and just got on with he, he's embarassing
J: Why were they added as special guests, to make them feel a bit more
M: yeah i didn't get that either. was it so their actual name didn't have to appear under LB's? didn't make any sense to pull out and then actually decide to do it after all. what wankers
J: I think to make it look good and also not to have LB above them in
theory. I hate machine head, but i hate them more now
M: i didn't really hate them before, but this is embarassing. i don't want people to think i'm backing this wankery, in the words of william shatner: "i can't get behind that".
a short while later...
M: MACHINE HEAD Frontman Says LIMP BIZKIT's DJ LETHAL Is Acting Like 'An Internet Tough Guy - really, rob, shut up. seriously. this is like when brett michaels got hit by that scenery.
J: Ten years ago machine head sounded like LB, rob needs to fuck off as
this is really really annoying me! Quick talking shit about each other
and have a fight.
and later still....
M: LIMP BIZKIT's DJ LETHAL To MACHINE HEAD: 'The Only Thing Crushed Was Your Egos'
J: He's right :)
M: yeah he is a bit :) see, if rob flynn had just kept quiet, shit like this would never come back at them
M: This is gonna go on for some time, i reckon. At least brett michaels has shut up :) but seriously though, there's nothing to gain from this unless the fists do the talking, which could have happened saturday, but rob's the one acting like a tough guy here :/
M: its seriously, seriously shameful. you're right, if they just punched each other in the face for a bit, whoever walks away with the most teeth can declare themselves the most br000000tal but this pussying around chucking words at each other over the internet is fucking weak.
J: As i said before, ten years ago they could have been the same band.
Rob's in no position to comment about it
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