After some extreme toothache, I made an emergency appointment with the dentist this morning. I ended up having my wisdom tooth whipped out, but now the anasthetic's worn off and there's a good measure of pain yet to come. Plus, I'm now at work.
"What has this got to do with metal?" I hear you ask. Well, between 5am when my sleep was disturbed by the chronic torment (good name for a band) and 8.30am when I could leave for the dentist's, I made myself a playlist of triumph to get me through the trauma.
In no particular order and forgetting several:
Hallowed be thy Name - Iron Maiden
Sign of the Hammer - Manowar
Upon the Grave of Guilt - Falconer
The Centre of the Universe - Kamelot
Beat the Bullet - Danger Danger
The Odyssey - Symphony X*
Doctor Doctor - UFO
The Days of the Phoenix - AFI
Battle Metal - Turisas
Jaktens tid - Finntroll
Crazy Crazy Nights - Kiss
Dragonforce - Field of Despair
J was sad I didn't include any Ensiferum, Korpikilaani or the likes, but it wasn't actually folk or pagan metal I was going for (hence the non-folk/pagan metal songs). It was definitely more a sense of valour, victory and vitality that I needed and which I feel is evoked pretty damn well by these songs.
The moral of this story? There is no story, I just wanted to share my ace playlist with you. That, and my terrible, crushing pain. And to be honest, having a mouthful of gaping wound and blood is fairly fucking hardcore in my book :D
*Obviously not the whole thing. This was this morning's genius idea - I stuck the original into Audacity and just cut it down to the 4 minutes of goodness at the end.
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