Monday, August 24, 2009

First recommendation evaaaaaa

It's not often I recommend anything on here - in fact, I've never recommended anything so far. Not as far as I'm aware (unless you consider the porn slots as being creepy recommendations of a kind) (which they are).

So I'm proud to present to you today: Evil Army!
(Warning: the moral of this story is that it's not always best to check a band on metal archives before you listen to them).

I'm not going to write a review, I suck at that. So I'll just do what I always do and stick to what I know best.

J: that just killed my browser that page.
i hate some blog music sites, they usually have too much shit going on on one page too

M: LOL the burzum site killed my browser earlier ;)

J: it's for true believers only :)

Some emails later...

M: you download that evil army album i sent you the link for ?

J: that site killed my browser!!
send me the download link, then i will

M: DESCARGAR!!!! no pass :D

J: no pass :)
they should add that to the Portuguese language :)

M: :D

J: i love no pass :D
2 minutes to go, did you get it?

M: yeah i did. its good! well, i think so

J: have you seen them on marchives? they look like they should be playing with hank 3

M: yeah, seen. i know, i wasn't sure that was even the right band, but when you hear it it kinda makes sense

J: it sounds ok, but the mental image of hank 3 keeps appearing in my head ;/

M: just think of something else :p

J: the solos in it are ace :)

M: they are aren't they?? :D

J: i seriously wish i never looked up this band before hearing them as i like this

M: i know, they're good!!! i only downloaded it on the basis of the review on marchives so i'm glad at least i looked them up. just keep listening and thinking of something else, they're ace

J: i like two other thrash bands called Armed Forces and Evildead (one word!).
their name appears to have come about if these two bands collided :)

M: hehe yeah :) armed forces is a cool thrash band name haha

J: i was gonna say "anything to do with artillery", but since there's a thrash band called Artillery, then you can't really top that in terms of weapon names.


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