M: Massive Aggressive has leaked!
J: it's not bad actually
M: yeah, not bad at all. altho i've only heard the first song still; i'm watching hollyoaks :O
J: wolves is a cool song, but it's all pretty much standard municipal waste.
tony is trying to sound like mike muir in places, which annoys me. if the music was shit then it'd be a massive dissapointment (not massive aggressive).
Upsidedown church is the worst so far, just sounds like a Suicidal song.
M: music sounds pretty good to me. not much has changed tho. kinda slower, fewer lyrics about "beer and puking" as JA put it. or P. or whoever said that
J: it's probably because they're turning into Suicidal :)
M: the picture i used of him today he's wearing a suicidal t-shirt
J: listened to it all now, wolves is the best track easily.
the first half of the album is good, the rest kinda sounds like one song which is why when it ended i was like.... oh.
M: wolves is a good song. it's because it has the spirit of those dogs of metal in it :D :D
umm yeah i think it might take a few listens. but i think their catalogue would have been fine without this record.
J: they should have released this as an ep or just trimmed the tracks down
i'm now on the 2nd part of the album, it's all sounding the same :)
good, but forgettable. i was right, art of partying was their peak
M: yep :(
J: the thing that's annoying me is that upside down church is gonna be one of them songs they play live for the value that we're down with black metal and because landphil has BM patches :)
M: yeah i'd thought about that :( what they fucking around with bm for? fuck off!
J: because they know everyone loves Venom ;)
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