Okay, so I know it's not Saturday. But Sunday is close and I was at work yesterday, so there's my excuse. I'm working next Saturday too, but I'll try and schedule something. Plus it'll be a bank holiday weekend - that's always messy in my experience.
Anyways, for our weekly fix of fuck fodder, I am proud to present to you...
Tony Foresta of Municipal Waste!!
Aww he seems so happy and cute! And sometimes, when a guy isn't that hot, but he seems really happy and he can sing words really fast...it makes up for what he's lost in looks.

He seems such a cheery, jolly little man - even in real life, he's unbelievably cute.
And so...I urge you to go see them. Quickly, before their new album comes out and somehow ruins everything by being either like their other albums or completely different. Either the way this new album has huge potential to mess everything up in my incredibly prejudiced mind. So yeah, go see them. Ladies, you never even know...you might get lucky ;D

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