I've mostly given up on this feature going any further, but there are still a few men (and possibly women) worthy of my attention in the genre.
This week, it's a man I've been kidding myself about for a long time. I've always known he was hot, but for some reason have never admitted it to myself. Until this week, when I was checking
Machine Head's marchives page...

He might
always wear the same t-shirt and maybe he does sometimes act like a bit of a douche. And perhaps his band do release some terrible, terrible music, but you know what? I can't think of anyone who has a more awesome voice than Rob Flynn. I fucking LOVE his voice. It's the voice of rage. He can't seem to sing and not sound pissed off or at least about to kill himself. Or possibly whinging about the parents. Whatever. It's AMAZING.

In fact, even when he was going through his I'm-going-to-dress-like-
Tommy-Lee-when-he-was-dressing-like-a-wigger phase, he's still pretty cute ^______^ (In a I-really-wish-you-weren't-wearing-that-shiny-jacket sort of way)

And look:

Aww :) He was in a
credible band at one time you know ;D
All that aside, I love Machine Head, I don't care what J or anyone else says. They're playing
Brixton Academy next week and I am gonna be there singing VERY LOUDLY. And hopefully, quite drunk :D
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