(From 22nd September 2008)

J: for your iRod :D
(He sent me the actual song, but here's the link to a shitty live youtube version, just for you!)
M: this is from one of the cds you were showing me last night isn't it? can't remember which though...although i suppose i could google it
J: it's stevie sex summer's band :D
M: those pretty boy floyd people? i always imagined them being a kind of grungy band whenever i heard anyone mention them, i was actually quite surprised when i saw the cd cover!!
J: nope - they're a third rate glam band that came about a bit late, but the Leather Boyz album is like Tuff's CD I have, and underated classic :)
rumour has it that he wears a wig, which is great :)
M: probably does wear a wig - i bet its pretty tough having to keep up hair that big - even dave muff stain who still has very good hair - even his isn't as big like on the back of peace sells :)
J: i love old bands that go bald :D
listen to the dude heckling - kinda lame, but funny. trixter are on that booze crooze thing with scab row and firestorm :P
M: so they're not just scab bands, but old, bald scab bands? ;D
J: at least stevie rachelle admited he had a hair transplant done with the money he earnt from being on a major label for tuff's first album before they were dropped! the other's just wear silly wigs like don dokken and bret michaels

M: i think its usually pretty obvious when people start losing their hair - if they're at least honest about it, it takes away most of the ground for people making fun of them - bret michaels is just a complete joke now! :D
J: one word: Dio!
i personally don't think axl is losing his hair, the corn rows aint helping, but his hair looked ok the year before it was done.
don dokken on the other hand has been noticed with a variety of wigs
haha: bretswig.com
M: hahaha thats the best pic ever it looks like he's in a caveman movie or something.....and yeah, has miraculously reversed the aging process on his hair! how does he think that will pass as his own? i think people need to take action pretty fucking early (i.e. before they start losing it haha!) before they start making out like they have thick flowing locks :D worst thing is - it doesn't make him look any better, he looks like some weird wiggy poser!
J: bret did admit he had extensions but not a wig, but i think he's lying :)
M: totally! extensions make your hair thicker or longer, they don't give you a whole new hairline!
J: and you have women competing for this man's love!
M: yeah but look at those women! they look and sound like old transvestites, i personally wouldn't want them anywhere near me, let alone go on endless dates with those horrible creatures!*
J: bret did admit he had extensions but not a wig, but i think he's lying :)
M: totally! extensions make your hair thicker or longer, they don't give you a whole new hairline!
J: and you have women competing for this man's love!
M: yeah but look at those women! they look and sound like old transvestites, i personally wouldn't want them anywhere near me, let alone go on endless dates with those horrible creatures!*
*I meant "horrible creatures" in the best kind of way; I HEART Rock of Love
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