M: Sex and Metal (NSFW) - LOL @ the dude in the slayer shirt
J: he looks joke ^_^
M: i know! very grim LOL
J: he looks more happy then not :)
all of them look like fags, especially the poser in the marduk tee shirt
M: yeah i know and that woman looks like she's about 15, as do they :/
J: she has a nasty ass :S
M: yeah, but i dunno if that pose (NSFW) is helping haha. they all just look weirdly young, creepy creepy
J: it's liz vicious, she does porn XD

M: i read that, yes.
she's 19, according to her website. she's not that hot, nor that goth*
J: i know her from /b/ :)
she does "alt" porn.... ;/
M: yeah, so her website says :/ its basically just porn, she's found a niche-ish market but doesn't have the guts to go all out. metal dudes will watch porn no matter what the fuck the women look like, as they're usually the people in society with some of the lowest chances ever of scoring with an actual person

J: i was thinking about that earlier listening to the mentors... el duce ain't good looking, but when my hair falls out and i get fat i aspire to be him, but that's not what i'm on about.
i think the reason for their lyrics about getting laid and shit is all bullshit, but it helps their egos and makes ugly fans think that "hey, they're ugly, but they get sex, so it gives me hope" :D
i dunno :)
M: nah i think they're the sort of people that know they're ugly and they don't give a shit. it's not always about how you look, despite what people say. me and you have both had bf/gfs LOL
*I take the not hot part back, after checking her website she's hotter than she first appeared. She's still not all that, but I'd take her over any one of the Suicide Girls anytime.
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