M: SLAYER: U.K. Tour Dates Added To European Tour - i may get tickets if they're not too pricey
J: see, you secretly love slayer :P
i'd only go to have the joy of shouting out SLAYERRRR :D
M: yeah :D over and over again :D
J: the subject looks like Slayer (UK) - as in some UK band called slayer :)
M: yeah it does :) like slayer SA or whatever they are :D
J: slayer sw14
Some days later...
J: who do they think they are, metallica?!?!
M: i know!!!!
that's too much money. i'm not paying that to just see fucking slayer, who's their support?J: probably some band on the roadrunner label that used to be an emo band, but changed their style to fit in and shift records
M: yeah that sucks, big time. i just can't afford that and won't beggar myself just to go and see OLD SLAYER olllllllllllllllllllllllllld

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