This time of year you get lists for everything - greatest albums, greatest films, bands, whatever. J and I briefly toyed with the idea of creating our own...and being too lazy to compile this into an actual list, as usual, here's our conversation:
J: see, i think if we did a list, it's be awesome, i think you should do that for leatherman, like a list of most metal moments, but by us...and we know some cool facts! yeah, we hate lists, but we don't hate our own, because we know we're right ;)
M: umm...okay, most metal moments then? that anvil vid is a pretty good one. can't think of anything else off the top of my head? that municipal waste gig at the fighting cocks? i dunno, i'm not that impressed by anything much...
J: vince neil killing razzle :D
M: :O
:)) ooooops!
umm...i think its mean on razzle to put that in there :P
but we can blatantly just add in "everything that vince neil does EVER"

megaman electrocuting ron mcgovney and then beating up james
the hirax demo
phils bad back
you get the idea - stupid things we love to take the piss out of
M: phil coming back to life, there's one i love :D
the keel right to rock video ;)
J: > phil coming back to life
and douchebag not coming back to life :)
> the keel right to rock video ;)
see, bad-fucking-ass!
see, silly shit we love.
and douchebag not coming back to life :)
> the keel right to rock video ;)
see, bad-fucking-ass!
see, silly shit we love.
J then completed a huge list of his "most metal moments", which I've copied down here - but with my replies under each as well. As you've prolly noticed before, we do not always agree.
J: Me throwing a Snickers bar at Cradle of Filth... and missing.
M: no
M: no
J: The ever changing musical style of Rob Flynn
M: no
M: no
J: Keel's Right to Rock video
J: Anvil's Mad Dog video (soley for the purpose of the dog turning into Lips)
J: Vince Neil killing Razzle (and anything Vince Neil does)
M: only the stuff that vince neil does, i'm not specifically putting accidental drunken murder in there. but now i write it like that, it seems maybe to fit after all.....
M: only the stuff that vince neil does, i'm not specifically putting accidental drunken murder in there. but now i write it like that, it seems maybe to fit after all.....
J: Hirax's 1984 demo
J: Jim Gillette's hair (and voice)
M: no
M: no
J: This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BdP6lI6kqc
M: fucking YES!
M: fucking YES!
J: John Corobi getting what he thought was the name of the new Motley Crue album he was to sing on for them to change the name and release what he got tattooed as a live album with Vince singing.
M: perhaps (it seems like we should just make another list of the ultimately funny stuff in metal - these aren't exactly metal's "greatest" moments......)
J: ODIN! (Odin, Odin, Odin, Odin.........)
M: no
M: no

J: The gorgeous Dan Lilker
M: no
J: Scott and Charlie for single-handedly ruining anthrax
M: no
J: Burton C Bell's hairline (and his inability to realise no one likes his side projects)
M: hehehehe yeah maybe :)
M: hehehehe yeah maybe :)
J: Dave Mustaine electrocuting Ron McGovney and beating up James.

J: Cliff Burton... for being crushed by a fucking bus!
M: YES. twice!!!!
M: YES. twice!!!!
J: Sebastian Bach forgetting the words to Youth Gone Wild on Nevermind the Buzzcocks
M: no
M: no
J: Phil Anselmo coming back to life (and Dimebag not.)
M: yes, but i won't mention dimebag
M: yes, but i won't mention dimebag
J: Dylan Carlson's sexy voice
M: NO.
M: NO.
So there you have it. It's more J's list than mine, but then I suffer from an atrocious memory and tend not to remember these sorts of things.
Anyone have their own ideas? I'm sure most of the above won't make it on to the usual "greatest" anything lists - can I entice any of you (all 4 of you who read this) to share your thoughts?
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