M: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/
J: i saw that in the paper yesterday; it's obviously the second coming of
my master, euronymous!
M: :O
or its odin
J: something to go with varg being out :D
no doubt it's some kind of wizardry he's done :)

wizardry :O summoning the gods!
or its saint lucia :)J: saint lucia is an island ;)
M: she is also a saint :p the 12th or the 13th is her saints day and lucy means light. its a scandinavian celebration maybe, so i have decided that makes sense and is obviouly what's happened.
in your face odin!
J: i knew that, i looked on wiki, i was just being silly :)
M: ahh :))
still, i'm glad. i'm not keen on the christians as you know, but i'm not entirely at ease with the norse gods. they're not very nice, as far as i can tell.
thats the only thing i don't like in a lot of scandinavian metal - although i love a nice anti-christian sentiment....i hate the norse gods. thor and odin are in some ways pretty cool....but they just make me uneasy. and they're not a patch on the greek gods, who of course rule the pantheon supreme ^__________^J: I find the use of satanism in metal boring and, more than not, childish - these folk moan on about how Christians believe this farce, etc, etc, but then they have their own farce in Satan - that's why it's good if it used loosely, but you take early Mayhem, etc, it was all just that, used loosely and in image with the music - the lyrics were more something from a goregrind band or such. The BM bands now just take it to a level that makes me embarrased with a stage full of inverted crosses, and all that guff, it's just not for me.
M: i hate the whole "church of satan" thing - you know where you get people (like jizzzzzzzahn) who go on about how it's really serious and adult and it's more about hedonism and stuff then devil worshipping etc....actually no, if you read it, it IS just teenage angsty bullshit embarassing crap. i hate all of that shit, the over the top satan worship and the people who think they're being more subtle.......
its just embarassing and i have no interest in satan, the devil or whatever. for me, those are christian principles - and i know how many satanists will go on about how the devil existed before christianity....yeah, so did god, you heard of judaism? he's the same guy folks. and concepts of devils have existed just as long as concepts of gods have....besides, neither are real.
i hate how people in metal make fun of christians and go against all that......the whole satan thing is just as absurd, if not more so. it's chronically embarassing. glen benton and his stupid upside down cross - is he fucking serious? well i know we all know he's a fucking retard (who got married in a church) but there are people who think that kind of behaviour is cool!
the horror.
J: Satanism IS teenage angst - i remember lots of kids around the time I was a teen thought the whole ideology was really cool. The guy Mandy went out with after me was that sort of guy, he even had 666 tattooed on him, FFS :/
Glen Benton is a fucking arsehole! He used to say in interviews he was going to kill himself at the same age Jesus died at, etc. The guy is a fucking twatter. And as I always say - keep satanism out of death metal; it's not the place for it, old DM bands were never like that, and nor were the early BM bands. People like Euro and that were still kids at the time and as we said; the whole teenage angst thing is rife then - but muscally they were never satanic, it's more so now with bands that take it to a level that makes you die inside. Like with the idiots that throw their horns - they're all gears to the lame band they're at the sermon of.
I don't have anything against using any of it in art, or like writing darkthrone with an inverted T/cross - I just see that as a cool touch.
M: oh yeah, i love cool images and symbolism - the image of the inverted cross is fun, just in the sense of turning something upside down, quite literally - but like you said, it's just for playing around with - having 666 tattooed on you is one of the lamest things you could ever do to yourself!
We all love skulls and death and shit like that - it'll always be synonymous with metal and there's nothing wrong with it - we love it and that's cool. i always remember ozzy osbourne saying that "people make horror films - why can't we make horror music". i love films about shit like that, i fucking LOVE the omen - but i love it as a film and that's it. metal i love as music and that's it.
J: Yeah, what you just said, 110% :)

Glen Benton is a fucking arsehole! He used to say in interviews he was going to kill himself at the same age Jesus died at, etc. The guy is a fucking twatter. And as I always say - keep satanism out of death metal; it's not the place for it, old DM bands were never like that, and nor were the early BM bands. People like Euro and that were still kids at the time and as we said; the whole teenage angst thing is rife then - but muscally they were never satanic, it's more so now with bands that take it to a level that makes you die inside. Like with the idiots that throw their horns - they're all gears to the lame band they're at the sermon of.
I don't have anything against using any of it in art, or like writing darkthrone with an inverted T/cross - I just see that as a cool touch.
M: oh yeah, i love cool images and symbolism - the image of the inverted cross is fun, just in the sense of turning something upside down, quite literally - but like you said, it's just for playing around with - having 666 tattooed on you is one of the lamest things you could ever do to yourself!
We all love skulls and death and shit like that - it'll always be synonymous with metal and there's nothing wrong with it - we love it and that's cool. i always remember ozzy osbourne saying that "people make horror films - why can't we make horror music". i love films about shit like that, i fucking LOVE the omen - but i love it as a film and that's it. metal i love as music and that's it.
J: Yeah, what you just said, 110% :)

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