M: the new ff album is leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaked
J: and i bet it SUCKS!
M: yep :)
J: are you getting it :?
M: no :D
J: oh :P
M: are you gonna?
J: has hell frozen over?
M: it is pretty cold ;D
J: but not in hell :)
M: aah :)
Inspired some weeks ago by this post, I hit on THE BEST IDEA EVER* for J's winter present.
And now, seeing as we've already opened this year's gifts (I got this!!), J said it was okay to share my genius with you. Yes, all four of you. May the bravery of the characters and the brilliance of their deeds warm your heart on this shortest of days.
(Sorry about the crappy pictures - you'll prolly have to click on the images to make them big enough to read duh)
*I'm aware that, in reality, this story makes no sense whatsoever. But neither does this. So there.
M: Can you tell MP3 bitrates apart? - interesting
J: yeah, this shit's good. although a lot also depends on the software you use, since I've heard some 128's that sound louder than they should, and also some 192's that sound quiet.
M: haha i was gonna say more than "interesting" but i had to leave my computer and didn't want to lose the feed :)
yeah software and listening equipment make a world of difference! i'm one that doesn't notice quality so much, prolly 'cause so much of my life was spent with only a cassette player...you're the only person that ever mentions to me about kbps rates :)
J: listening on your mp3 player usually gets you to hear stuff you never do on a sterio set up, but then if people are too anal, they should use FLACS, which is not as big as the raw audio file, but is lossless. I still say 192 is the perfect one, since it's not too big in size and still sounds good.
M: my mp3 player won't play those flacs thingies - i have a couple which i downloaded by mistake. i just download whatever i can get mostly, as long as the whole thing is there and some idiot hasn't uploaded something with skips in the tracks or whatever i'm happy. most the time when i listen to music i'm not paying full attention anyways - talking, reading, whatever. even on the way to work i'm mostly reading at the same time and if the book is good, i get through whole albums without even noticing
J: Reign in Blood comes to mind ^_____^
M: LOL you can be listening to that properly and not notice... like we said, until the rain starts :)
J: this :)
though i suppose when you're reading and listening to RIB at the same time, i bet you just don't even notice it. it's like the most popular slayer album is just really a void.
seriously though, i can't understand why people rate it so much, it's fucking dull as shit! it's like listening to one song that never ends
M: i only notice angel of death and rib, they may as well have just released a single
J: RIB sucks, and i don't give a fuck :D
M: seeing as its pretty much their most famous, most rated album.......madness.
J: poor south of heaven, no one really mentions that one :(
M: i think D always liked that, but now i type that i think he liked seasons in the abyss. ho hum.
J: SOH is ok, i like hell awaits more than anything (obvs SNM comes
first, but that aside it's HA)
M: i don't know much apart from rib and show no mercy, i've heard a lot of stuff, from various different albums from being with TM et al but i've never payed them much attention. i don't really like slayer, i hate tom's voice, it sounds like he's shouting at me, specifically. it makes me feel uncomfortable.
J: it's true :D
at least with SNM he's more tuneful
J: The gorgeous Dan Lilker
M: no
J: Scott and Charlie for single-handedly ruining anthrax
M: no
It's almost the end of the year and I've rediscovered my motivation to post. It helps that I'm not as busy/drunk as I have been the past few weeks. Actually that's not entirely true; I'm a little bit drunk right now.
However, behaviour such as this is ENTIRELY APPROPRIATE for the festive season. I may not believe in the birth of Jesus, but I do believe that consuming food and drink in vast quantities is the best way to combat winter. I'm also a great advocate of PRESENTS.
Sadly, these aren't presents for me.
As much as I'd like to find these babies under the tree: they're all destined for homes other than mine. Which makes me awful sad - but all this record selling might someday make J rich. At which point, I'll confess my undying love, he can buy me a house and we'll all live happily ever after. Swings and roundabouts.
If anyone wants any of these...let me know. There's some more coming up, although if they take me as long these ones to getting around to photographing...you'll hear about them sometime in August.