M: MH† - LOL looks like a post about machine head (from the title)
J: that or metal hammer :)
M: yeah, with that stupid cross and everything :) it's like their sword they have now (dunno, they never used to have it that i remember, but they always have the defending the faith sword logo on the header now)
J: who do, machine head :?
M: nah, metal hammer.

J: i've never noticed - i like their old logo whereas it looks like a band :D
the only faith metal hammer preach is that of the one against my metal law :D ;)
M: :O a war breaks out!
J: a metal war!
that'd be awesome!
M: we'd never win :( we are too few in number :((
J: yeah, there's too many metalfags that like fag stuff.
rob darken can lead the first battalion :[
M: he'd be ace to lead us in!
J: basically, any obscure BM band... and Abbath ;)
M: flag of the legions:

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