J: i think i've just found the two best bands ever. you decide!
M: i looked at the picture for the 2nd one first - WOLVZ attracted me and i thought nothing could get funnier than that logo with that picture........and then i looked at the first one!!!! that dude with the motley crue sweater or whatever that is is AMAZING
J: yeah, he's the metal overlord :D i LOVE 'taches in metal - fuck beards, i hate them, unless it's on el duce, or me in later years
you can't get more of a Metal name then Metal Wolf... unless you are Metal Law, but not the ML that there is now :)
M: are you going to grow a beard :? :O

that top is cool :- only a day left :O
M: i am so bidding on it. i know i'm saving for hellfest but that is iron maiden :D
plus i can bedazzle it, which i'll so do, so people don't think i'm a hipster. how can you not appreciate someone who takes the time and care to write "i heart vince neil" in RHINESTONES?!
J: hey now, i thought you loved tommy lee ;O
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