after the whole retro thrash thing, doom seems to be now the trendy thing to do :/ also iron will is grand magus' most famous song, just sounds like a tribute band...

J: same with most doom/drone/etc bands. i could name fuck loads that are named after songs by older bands, like Boris are named after a melvin's song, teeth of lions rule the divine are after an earth song and so forth. > iron will is grand magus' most famous song sounds like what bonded by blood did XD
M: >sounds like what bonded by blood did XD
god yeah, i think it is the album title and all! so silly :)
>i could name fuck loads that are named after songs by older bands, like Boris are named after a melvin's song, teeth of lions rule the divine are after an earth song and so forth.
yeah, at least they picked more obscure names :) people seem to make these bad judgements - if you say a phrase and i makes you think of a caertain band - DO NOT use that as your and name, unless you really are a tribute act XD
perfect examples of bad names for bands:
whiskey in the jar
seasons in the abyss
cowboys from hell
british steel (i can see it being a band tho haha)
see? bonded by blood, this is so simple, why couldn't you realise?! XD
J: > see? bonded by blood, this is so simple, why couldn't you realise?! XD
it's okay to use it just starting, but if you get major interest, then change it - this for me spoils the first album, their fucking name :/ Plus also; it's exodus, and a staple thrash album, it's a bit brazen to call your band that.
> unless you really are a tribute act XD
like that Creeping Death band :) see that's fine. Also, Dopethrone, that band that stole venom's font, that's also a dumb move too /
> cowboys from hell
british steel (i can see it being a band tho haha)
these are perfect from tribute pantera/JP bands tho :D

M: >Plus also; it's exodus, and a staple thrash album, it's a bit brazen to call your band that.
again - kinda like what i was thinking when i said "cowboys from hell" or "british steel" - perfect for a tribute act, as it sort of encapsulates the band you're imitating, but RETARDED to try and use them for a regular band XD you just can't say those things without thinking of the original act! :)
>Also, Dopethrone, that band that stole venom's font, that's also a dumb move too
like this, i read "dopethrone", but i see "venom" :::::) just stupid. you want people to remember your band, not that you stole something from someone else's!
J: see, like with Superjoint Ritual, that was taken from a lyric from a darkthrone song. lyric! it's what these bands need to know, dont use the obvious :)
M: >dont use the obvious :)
that :)))) when done well, its a cool thing to do, and like you said, loads of bands get their names from books or previous bands - just don't pick the fucking most obvious title of something :))) "between the buried and me" - shit band, but it works for the current styles of bands/names you have coming out :) it doesn't make anyone think of counting crows, thats for sure :)
except superfan hannah :D
J: and silverchair were apparently named a nirvana song, which i cant see the relevance, but if they did, i have no fucking clue! :O
M: yeah, i was thinking of that earlier :) (i only know that via you) :) or like down's second album is "bustle in your hedgerow", which is a line from stairway to heaven :) obvs song, but not obvs lyric :D prolly know more of these than me :)
J: > or like down's second album is "bustle in your hedgerow", which is a line from stairway to heaven :) obvs song, but not obvs lyric :D
hehe, i live in a world where that song doesnt exist, i've never knowingly heard it :)
M: oh yeah :D its well long XD
J: idk :D
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