M: XASTHUR Release New And Final Full Length In June - lets hope we don't get a whole series of last albums.
i wish people wouldn't do that, it's so needlessly dramatic. "this is the last one!!" why don't they just release it and not say anything? if people ask later, just say i don't feel like doing any more albums right now. so then if you do want to do something later you don't look like a lying, money grubbing dickwad who just says stuff to make a sale.
J: i know what you mean - kiss have been doing final tours now for about over ten years. but xasthur's turning shit getting people on the album, it's not like he needs to do it, so when scott says:
> who rely on too many guests and session musicians
why even say that when you've done so well doing it on your own - it's only until recent that there's been guests involved that have fucked up xasthur.
> who rely on too many guests and session musicians
why even say that when you've done so well doing it on your own - it's only until recent that there's been guests involved that have fucked up xasthur.
M: who's scott?
J: scott connor = malefic :)
M: ahh :) sounds like someone from terminator XD
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