Right, so I'm kicking off the year by telling you what you SHOULD be listening to. I dictate very rarely (on this website, at least) but sometimes...well, to be honest, I just want someone to talk to about it. There isn't even a review on Metal Archives yet!
I've never heard of Damned Spirits Dance before, but when it first came to our attention, me and J knew I was going to be up for it:
J: Damned Spirits Dance - Weird Constellations
> Genre: Melodic/Atmospheric Black Metal - Electronic - Power Metal
> Genre: Melodic/Atmospheric Black Metal - Electronic - Power Metal
M: looks/sounds mental, you listen to it?
J: nah :)
M: i think i might :D
J: i bet you'll like it :)
M: i bet i will too :D i hope i do anyways, i fancy something new.
I won't put up the whole conversation; from there we just made fun of the cover (top picture) and went on to complain about various other ills.
Fast forward this story to today and OMG how I love that album! It's truly deranged: the 11 tracks loop wildly in and out of different genres, styles and tempos. Metal Archives labels them as melodic black metal, which doesn't do them any justice at all.
Across the album, you can pick up strong death metal riffs, black metal sections, but the techno, dance and electronica element is just as strong. It's also something that makes this album stand out from a million other standard releases.
Reviews suck and I'm not great at them at the best of times, so I won't go on - I just urge you to give this one a try. You might not like it, but I think everyone ought to hear this record at least once anyway, just for the experience.
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