M: MEGADETH: 'Endgame' Artwork Unveiled - it's shit
J: that ain't shit........that's a fucking shit stained train wreck of gargantuan proportions! I hope the music makes up for it!
M: good description. high hopes for the music? you like the new song tho, right?
J: the last album had shit artwork, they tried to show a pre-version of Peace Sells, but it sucked. All their artwork has sucked since Rust in Peace. I think the new song's cool, apart from the Gears of War bit that kinda let's it down.....it's not like Gears of War, it's the way dave sings, you kind think it's gonna be cool and then ain't. it sounds very Rust in Peace, so I am hoping for some profit on it.... LOL , Rick Profit, not parfet :)
M: LOL @ Rick Profit ;D
J: yeah, but the last album was cool so i'm hoping this is the same. fuck
the artwork :)
M: true, kill em all proves that :D
J: all of metallica's artwork is shit, to a level. RTL is a bit gay with the chair there.... MOP is just gay. black album is the best - kinda like the instrumental on DM, you don't have to listen to james' blown vocals :)
M: until about 4 years ago i thought that rtl cover was a picture of an old school style microphone :D
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